26 Apr 18 |
By Andrew Deas, Information Services Division, NHS National Services Scotland
Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in Scottish men. One in five of all cancers diagnosed in men are prostate cancers. It is also the fourth most commonly diagnosed cancer overall after lung, breast and colorectal cancers. Over 3,000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer each year. Almost three-quarters of these cancers are diagnosed in men over the age of 65. The age-adjusted incidence rate for prostate cancer has remained relatively stable over the last ten years; however the number of cases has increased from approximately 2,700 cases in 2006 to over 3,000 cases in 2015.
Projected incidence
The number of cases of prostate cancer is projected to increase by 35% between 2008-2012 and 2023-2027.
It is estimated that an average of over 4,000 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer each year in the period 2023-2027. The main reason for this projected increase in cases is the expected increase in the size and age of the Scottish population in the years to 2027.
Mortality and survival
Prostate cancer is the second most common cause of death from cancer in Scottish men after lung cancer. Approximately one in ten deaths from cancer in men is due to prostate cancer. In 2016, 894 men died from the disease. Overall, prostate cancer is the fourth most common cause of death from cancer in Scotland behind lung, colorectal and breast cancer. The age-adjusted mortality rate for prostate cancer has fallen by over 7% over the last ten years. Five-year survival has increased from 53% for men diagnosed in 1987-1991 to 84% for men diagnosed in 2007-2011. Although the age adjusted mortality rate for prostate cancer has decreased over the last decade, the actual number of deaths has not. This largely reflects an increase in older age groups within the population and the fact that most prostate cancers are diagnosed in older men.
Further Information
All statistics are based on publications on the ISD website.
1. https://www.isdscotland.org/Health-Topics/Cancer/Publications/2017-04-25/2017-04-25-Cancer-Incidence-Report.pdf
2. https://www.isdscotland.org/Health-Topics/Cancer/Publications/2015-08-18/2015-08-18-Cancer-Incidence-Projections-Report.pdf
3. https://www.isdscotland.org/Health-Topics/Cancer/Publications/2017-10-31/2017-10-31-Cancer-Mortality-Report.pdf
4. https://www.isdscotland.org/Health-Topics/Cancer/Publications/2015-03-03/2015-03-03-CancerSurvival-Report.pdf