05 Feb 20 |
ActWell – supporting breast cancer risk reduction through lifestyle change
World cancer day is a time to reflect on all aspects of the disease including prevention. The ActWELL study offered women attending routine breast screening clinics the opportunity to receive a free lifestyle intervention from trained Breast Cancer Now volunteer coaches who, over the course of the study, delivered 623 coaching sessions and 1915 support telephone calls. The final analysis of the impact of the intervention on lifestyle is now underway but to date some headline figures are:
* 3769 women requested information about the programme
* 560 women were randomised (into intervention and comparison groups)
* 93% of participants were still involved with the study at 3 months
* 83% of participants were still involved with the study at 12 months
* 70% of participants who completed the intervention completed feed-back information
* 90% of participants said they were likely to recommend the programme to others
Our detailed analysis will allow us to comment on changes in weight, physical activity and other lifestyle factors and should be available in early spring. The ActWELL team is organising events about the findings of the study for participants, staff and researchers if you are interested please let the team know by emailing Prof Anderson on a.s.anderson@dundee.ac.uk