25 Apr 18 |
We had a great day on Monday 5th February celebrating World Cancer Day with our #WeCanICan conference. Held in Edinburgh, we had well over a hundred delegates gather to hear the experts present the latest evidence and practice to help the people of Scotland prevent cancer. If you weren’t able to join us you can see the presentations on our website.
A particular highlight of conference was the judging of the Healthy Staff award we announced back in October ’17. With a £500 cash prize, this award was set up to showcase and support the best health promoting activities by NHS boards in Scotland run for the benefit of their staff. We invited a short video (3 mins maximum) with written description (1000 words) of what each area was doing and a short written account (300 words) of what the winning prize money would be used for if successful. If videoing was not a possibility a PowerPoint presentation (max 3 mins) was equally acceptable.
We were delighted to receive 7 entries from north, south, east and west. The SCPN team and advisory board shortlisted entries, and the 3
finalists were shown at conference with delegates voting a winner. Huge congratulations to NHS Western Isles for their winning video. One of the smallest Health Board areas, they had organised a step count challenge utilising mobile phone technology for participants to log their steps. The £500 prize money is on its way! You can view all the submissions on our website.