The SCPN are committed to getting the word about cancer prevention out to individuals, health professionals, policy makers and government. We want to let everyone know what they can do to stack the odds against developing cancer through lifestyle choices. It’s not enough for individuals to attempt to change but health professionals, cancer charities and other agencies with an interest in this field should be informed about the latest research on how to support that change and policy makers and government have a role to play in ensuring our environment and legislative structures enable change rather than inhibit it.
We promote action for cancer prevention by hosting workshops and conferences, disseminating news on recent research, initiatives and events through our website, newsletters and social media platforms
Dr Suzanne Zaremba is a fellow with the SCPN and lecturer in nutrition at the University of Dundee. Since graduating with a Masters in Public Health Nutrition, Suzanne embarked on a career in nutrition research focussing on dietary fibre, appetite and reducing body weight. Suzanne completed her PhD at Queen Margaret University in 2018, joining the SCPN team in March 2020. As part of the SCPN Suzanne assists in developing strategic initiatives for the network, contributes to the content and development of the e-digest as well as writing blogs and helping manage the SCPN’s social media presence.
Eóin McCann is a Digital Designer and alumni of the University of Dundee’s Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design. Eóin works tirelessly each quarter to design and collate the SCPN newsletter.